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11월 28일 - Ray Dalio Principles 163p

by Diligejy 2018. 11. 28.

Make sure all the "must do's" are above the bar before you do anything else. First, distinguish between your "must do's" and your "like to do's". Don't overlook any "must do's" and don't mistakenly slip the "like to do's" onto the list. Then, get all the "must do's" above the bar. If you have time, turn to the "like to do's" and try to get them above the bar. Only if you have time (though you certainly will not if you are thinking broadly), turn toward making things perfect. Chances are, you won't have to deal with the unimportant things, which is better than not having time to deal with the important things. I often hear people say, "Wouldn't it be good to do this or that," referring to nice-to-do's rather than must-do's that have to be above the bar. Chances are, they are being distracted from far more important things that need to be done well. 

Ray Dalio [Principles]
