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언어/Thinking Fast and Slow19

5월 8일 Thinking Fast and Slow 73~74p We are able to communicate with each other because our knowledge of the world and our use of words are largely shared. When I mention a table, without specifying further, you understand that I mean a normal table. You know with certainly that its surface is approximately level and that it has far fewer than 25 legs. We have norms for a vast number of categories, and these norms provide the backg.. 2019. 5. 8.
5월 6일 Thinking Fast and Slow p.69~70 Mood evidently affects the operation of System 1 : when we are uncomfortable and unhappy, we lose touch with our intuition. [Thinking Fast and Slow] p.69 2019. 5. 6.
5월 5일 Thinking Fast and Slow p.67~68 The consequences of repeated exposures benefit the organism in its relations to the immediate animate and inanimate environment. They allow the organism to distinguish objects and habitats that are safe from those that are not, and they are the most primitive basis of social attachments. Therefore, they form the basis for social organization and cohesion - the basic sources of psychological and .. 2019. 5. 5.
5월 4일 Thinking Fast and Slow p.65~66 You read this correctly : performance was better with the bad font. Cognitive strain, whatever its source, mobilizes System 2, which is more likely to reject the intuitive answer suggested by System 1. [Thinking Fast and Slow] p.65 2019. 5. 4.
5월 3일 Thinking Fast and Slow p.63~64 he showed that couching familiar ideas in pretentious language is taken as a sign of poor intelligence and low credibility. [Thinking Fast and Slow] p.63 2019. 5. 3.
5월 2일 Thinking Fast and Slow p.61~62 The impression of familiarity is produced by System 1, and System 2 relies on that impression for a true/false judgement. 2019. 5. 2.