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11월 26일 - Ray Dalio Principles 151~156p Do not build the organization to fit the people. Jobs are created based on the work that needs to be done, not what people want to do or what people are available. You can always search outside Bridgewater to find the people who "click" best for a particular role. Ray Dalio [Principles] 2018. 11. 26.
11월 26일 1강 #1윈도우에서 제공되는 프로그램 - 귀속형 프로그램 자바 - 플랫폼 독립적 #2플랫폼 - OS - #3PC - 제어판 - 장치관리자(DC) -> CMainCMain - 장치관리자를 기반으로 프로그램을 실행할 수 있도록 하는 진입점 (프로그램 실행함수) - 자료형을 가장 먼저 확인 윈도우는 65%가 C언어 자료형이 안맞는데 맞춰주는 걸 마샬링한다고 한다. #3자바ⓐ Application (SE) - JDKⓑ Web Application (EE) - 분산네트워크 가능 - JREⓒ App Application (ME) - 웹서비스(xml), #4http://www.terms.co.kr/http://trio.co.kr/https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/ https://docs... 2018. 11. 26.
11월 26일 국비교육 1일차 비전공 IT 전략을 잘 짜서 취업을 언제할지 알아야 함 1.비전공은 3.5이상 대기업 - 정보처리(필수), (우대) + DB자격증(SQLD) + Portfolio DB자격증부터 따고 정보처리기사를 딴다 2. 오승용님 - Right김국현님 - Left 3.4.왜 대기업을 가봐야하나? -> 기획운영을 제대로 배워볼 수 있다 5. 내가 가야하는 기업 5개내가 가고싶은 기업 5개 뽑아오기 6.베트남, 중국어, 인도어 중 공부할거 생각하기스페인 - MS 자격증 없으면 못함 7.일본 - 정보처리기사 중요 8.5년 후, 7년 후 플랜 짜기 - 직업이라는 게 굉장히 무섭다 9.MS - C(1978), C++, C# (. NET) , C++NET + XML(웹서비스) - ASP, ASP.NET Oracle - - JAV.. 2018. 11. 26.
11월 23일 - Ray Dalio Principles 145~150p Think about second- and third-order consequences as well as first-order consequences. The outcome you get as a first-order consequence might be desirable (or undesirable), while the second- or third-order consequences could be the opposite, so focusing solely on first-order consequences, which people tend to do, could lead to bad decision-making. Though I might not like the first-order consequen.. 2018. 11. 23.
11월 22일 - Ray Dalio Principles 139~144p So unless you keep in mind the very specific problems, you will not be effective at solving them. In the process of solving problems, you will often see that several problems are due to the same cause (e.g, lack of capacity, a shortage of tech resources, bad management, etc.), but that is not the same thing as starting at the more general level (like saying that bad management or lack of capacit.. 2018. 11. 22.
11월 21일 - Ray Dalio Principles 133~138p In some cases, people accept unacceptable problems because they are perceived as being too difficult to fix. Yet fixing unacceptable problems is actually a lot easier than not fixing them, because not fixing them will make you miserable. They will lead to chronic unacceptable results, stress, more work, and possibly get you fired. So remember one of the first principles of management: you either.. 2018. 11. 21.