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10월 27일 - Ray Dalio Principles 26p What are your biggest weaknesses? Think honestly about them because if you can identify them, you are on the first step toward accelerating your movement forward. So think about them, write them down, and look at them frequently. Ray Dalio [Principles] 2018. 10. 27.
181027 파스텔 수업 #1Data Type1. Nominal (명목자료) 2. Ordinal (순서자료)1, 2 번 Categorical 범주형 자료3. Interval (구간자료) 4. Ratio 3, 4번 셀 수 있는 자료#2EDA 2018. 10. 27.
안시성 열심히가 중요한게 아니다. 어떤 상황이 왔을 때 대응할 수 있는 전략이 중요한 것이다. 어떤 케이스가 왔을 때 어떻게 대응할 것인지 미리 훈련이 되어있어야 한다. 그리고 냉정을 잃지 않고 그 전략을 실행할 수 있는 판단력이 있어야 한다.너는 이길 수 있을 때만 싸우냐? 영화의 구성 자체는 simple하고 상투적이라는 느낌이었다. 위인전 보는 느낌. 뭔가 아쉬웠다. 2018. 10. 27.
10월 26일 - Ray Dalio Principles 24p People who confuse what they wish were true with what is really true create distorted pictures of reality that make it impossible for them to make the best choices.Ray Dalio [Principles] 2018. 10. 26.
10월 25일 - Ray Dalio Principles 23p It is a fundamental law of nature that to evolve one has to push one's limits, which is painful, in order to gain strength - whether it's in the form of lifting weights, facing problems head-on, or in any other way. Ray Dalio [Principles] 2018. 10. 26.
10월 24일 - Ray Dalio Principles 22p So what is success? I believe that it is nothing more than getting what you want - and that it is up to you to decide what that is for you. I don't care whether it's being a master of the universe, a couch potato, or anything else - I really don't. What is essential is that you are clear about what you want and that you figure out how to get it. Ray Dalio [Principles] 2018. 10. 24.