Predicting Customer Lifetime Value with “Buy ‘Til You Die” probabilistic models in Python
What is a customer worth? How many more times a customer will purchase before churning? How likely is he to churn within the next 3 months…
1. In non-contractual business settings, where customers can end their relationship with a retailer at any moment and without notice, this can be even trickier.
2. We can only rely on a customer’s past purchases and other less characterizing events (website visits, reviews, etc.).
BG/NBD Model
1. In particular, to predict future transactions the model treats the customer purchasing behaviour as a coin tossing game.
2. Each customer has 2 coins: a buy coin that controls the probability of a customer to purchase, and a die coin that controls the probability of a customer to quit and never purchase again.
3. Assumption 1: while active, the number of transactions made by a customer follows a Poisson Process with transaction rate λ (=expected number of transactions in a time interval).
4. Assumption 2: heterogeneity in transaction rates among customers follows a Gamma distribution.
5. Assumption 3: after any transaction, a customer becomes inactive with probability p.
Therefore the point at which the customer “drops out” is distributed across transactions according to a (shifted) Geometric distribution.
6. Assumption 4: heterogeneity in p follows a Beta distribution.
[확률과 통계] 40. 연속확률분포(4) - 감마 분포, Gamma Distribution
정규분포는 분명 통계학에서 다루는 가장 중요한 확률분포입니다. 하지만 정규분포가 아무리 우리가 사는 ...
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