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Predicting Customer Lifetime Value with “Buy ‘Til You Die” probabilistic models in Python

by Diligejy 2022. 7. 11.



Predicting Customer Lifetime Value with “Buy ‘Til You Die” probabilistic models in Python

What is a customer worth? How many more times a customer will purchase before churning? How likely is he to churn within the next 3 months…




1. In non-contractual business settings, where customers can end their relationship with a retailer at any moment and without notice, this can be even trickier.

2. We can only rely on a customer’s past purchases and other less characterizing events (website visits, reviews, etc.).


BG/NBD Model

1. In particular, to predict future transactions the model treats the customer purchasing behaviour as a coin tossing game.

2. Each customer has 2 coins: a buy coin that controls the probability of a customer to purchase, and a die coin that controls the probability of a customer to quit and never purchase again.

3. Assumption 1: while active, the number of transactions made by a customer follows a Poisson Process with transaction rate λ (=expected number of transactions in a time interval).

4. Assumption 2: heterogeneity in transaction rates among customers follows a Gamma distribution.

5. Assumption 3: after any transaction, a customer becomes inactive with probability p.
Therefore the point at which the customer “drops out” is distributed across transactions according to a (shifted) Geometric distribution.

6. Assumption 4: heterogeneity in p follows a Beta distribution.





[확률과 통계] 40. 연속확률분포(4) - 감마 분포, Gamma Distribution

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