1. What is AB Testing?
2. How long to run an AB Test?
3. Multiple testing problem
4. Novelty and primacy Effect.
5. Interference between variants
6. Dealing with interference
1. What is AB Testing?
a. A/B Tests (a.k.a Controlled Experiments)
i. Used in industry to make decisions
ii. Simplest form : Control A, Treatment B
- Control group : Existing Features
- Treatment group : New Features
iii. Evaluate features with a subset of users
b. Appear frequently in Data Science Interviews
i. Typically asked together with metric questions
ii. Can include any A/B Testing component
- Developing new hypothesis
- Designing A/B Tests
- Evaluating Results
- Making decisions
2. Designing An AB Test
a. How long to run an AB Test?
i. Use sample size and number of users
- Eg 0.1% increase in revenue
ii. Round the duration by weeks
b. Determine the sample size
c. How to estimate parameters?
- We don't know before experiments
- Use minimum detectable effect
d. Minimum detectable effect ( 1 - type 2 error)
i. The smallest different matters in practice.
(Eg. 0.1% Increase in Revenue)
3. Multiple Testing Problem
a. Test multiple variants of a feature
i. Colors
ii. Homepage Design
b. Sample Question
i. 10 Tests are running with different landing page
ii. 1 case won and p value < 0.05
iii. Should you make the change?
c. The answer is NO
i. Should not use the same significance level
ii. More than 2 variants
iii. Probability of false discovery increases
d. Eg. There are 3 groups, what is the chance of at least one false positive?
i. Pr(no false positive) = ( 1 - 0.05 ) ^ 3 = 0.95^3 = 0.857
ii. Pr(at least 1 false positive) = 1 - Pr(no false positive)
= 0.143
iii. Type I error over 14%
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