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Turn insights into ROI with Google Analytics 4 - Google Marketing Live 2022

by Diligejy 2022. 12. 27.


GA4에서는 단순히 '분석 툴로써 좋습니다' 라는 컨셉이 아니라, 이 툴을 사용하시는 유저에게 '최대한 귀찮은 일 대신하고 최고의 경험을 드리겠습니다.' 라는 컨셉으로 가는거 같다. 


chatGPT와 연관지어 생각해보면 마치 구글링하듯이 자연어로 질문하면 자동으로 레포트하고 메일전송까지 해주는 그런 흐름으로 가지 않을까 싶다. 


영상을 보다보니 Future Top spender를 세그멘테이션해준다고 하는데, 무료로 GA사용하는 소규모 쇼핑몰이라면 이런 기능이 좋을거 같다. 


반대로 생각해보면 국내에 웹 로그 트래킹 툴 업체가 많아졌는데, GA이상의 가치 혹은 GA와 차별화된 가치를 제공해야 하는 과제가 더욱더 어려워질 것 같다.



1. Key Questions

1. How are people discovering your businesses and products?

2. Once they're on your website or app, what's keeping them engaged or where are they getting stuck?



2. Three key areas of GA4

1. Using Google's ML and predictive capability.

2. Making sure that you can use your Analytics data across Google

3. Putting special emphasis on helping large businesses



