rise in ~ : ~에 대한 증가
=increase in~
Provided (that)=if=providing (that)=assuming that~=considering (that)~
Expand into : ~로 확장하다
Be integrated into: ~로 통합되다
Incorporate A into B: A를 B로 통합시키다
Insert A into B: A를 B에 삽입시키다
l 현재완료: since: ~이래로, for:~동안
지난5년 동안:for(over=during=in)past(last) 5 years
<à next ~~~~~ +미래시제
Deliberate:심사숙고하다,신중한,고의의(deliberate error)
As (주어 + be) p.p. ~된대로
As discussed 논의 ~
As mentioned 언급~
As expected(=as predicted=as projected=as anticipated) 예상~
As indicated 지시 ~
As notified 통보~
By the time(when) 주어 + 동사~~~~~, 주어 + 동사~~~~~.
현재 à미래시제
과거 à과거완료
Anyone + 1. 관계대명사 ~~
Those + 2. 분사(ing, p.p.)~~~
3. 전치사 구
Those(anyone) /in the building /should evacuate right now.
On one’s own=혼자서=by oneself
On my own=by myself=alone
~ing :일반명사
Pricingpolicy :가격 책정 방침
Smoking 흡연
Seating 좌석배정
5V + 목 + toV
A:ask, allow, advise
R:request, require, remind
I(E): intend, encourage, enable(수X), invite, instruct(지시하다), expect
accustomed 익숙한, 늘 하는
on the out skirt of ~의 변두리에
halt 중단하다
barely=hardly=scarcely=only just 거의 ~않다
pottery 도자기
replicate 모사하다. 자기복제 하다
complimentary 무료의
spacious 널찍한
office supplies 사무용품
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