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The lesson for diagnosing a bubble 번역

by Diligejy 2018. 1. 13.


팀 하포드 글 번역

The lesson for diagnosing a bubble

버블 진단의 교훈

It is easy to laugh at past follies exaggerated for comic or sermonising effect

과거에 있었던 어리석은 일에 대해 만화나 설교를 들으며 비웃기는 쉽습니다.

Prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau.” That was Professor Irving Fisher in 1929, prominently reported barely a week before the most brutal stock market crash of the 20th century. He was a rich man, and the greatest economist of the age. The great crash destroyed both his finances and his reputation.

1929년 어빙피셔 교수는 20세기 중 가장 끔찍한 주식시장 붕괴가 일어나기 몇일 전 이런 말을 강하게 남겼습니다. "가격이 계속해서 높은 안정기에 도달한듯 보입니다."  그는 부자이며 당대 최고의 경제학자였습니다. 대공황은 그의 부와 명성을 앗아갔습니다.

“Those who sound the alarm of an approaching...crisis have somewhat exaggerated the danger.” That was a renowned commentator who shall remain nameless for now.
