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Perfect Amount of Traffic per A/B Test

by Diligejy 2022. 10. 4.



The answer is all of it, as much as possible.


4 strategic reasons for the perfect amount of traffic.

- Whenever you're tempted to lower the traffic amount, remember the traffic jam.
- Remember the feeling of being stuck in traffic and not going anywhere.

1. Segmentation

The more data you have, the more you can do segmentation.


2. Increased Confidence Levels


3. Representative Sample Size


4. Faster Results


P.S Practical Tip

Whenever someone would ask me how much traffic going to be in the test well. 

If you only have two variations of control and a version A, you can always come back and say 50% of the people will be in the test. The reason why is because the other 50% are going to get the control. 


So they're not actually being tested with something new.



