언어/Skin in the game11 6월 21일 p.43 Those who talk should do and only those who do should talk 2020. 6. 21. 6월 20일 p.37 Avoid taking advice from someone who gives advice for a living, unless there is a penalty for their advice. p.37 One, the fool, takes risks he doesn’t understand, mistaking his own past luck for skills, the other, the crook, transfers risks to others. p.38 So there is this other instance where filtering plays a role: fools of randomness are purged by reality so they stop harming others. Rec.. 2020. 6. 20. 7월 7일 Skin in the game Hammuirabi's best known injunction is as follows : "If a builder builds a house and the house collapses and causes the death of the owner of the house - the builder shall be put to death." 2019. 7. 7. 6월 24일 Skin in the game Actually, you cannot separate anything from contact with the ground. And the contact with the real world is done via skin in the game - having an exposure to the real world, and paying a price for its consequences, good or bad. The abrasions of your skin guide your learning and discovery, a mechanism of organic signaling, what the Greeks called pathemata mathemata ( "guide your learning through .. 2019. 6. 24. 6월 21일 Skin in the game 16~17 If you have the rewards, you must also get some of the risks, not let others pay the price of your mistakes. If you inflict risk on othera, Just as you should treat others in the way you'd like to be treated, you would like to share the responsibility for events without unfairness and inequity. If you give an opinion, and someone follow it, you are morally obligated to be, yourself, exposed to i.. 2019. 6. 21. 이전 1 2 다음