언어130 Ch2 p.44 p.44 Note that the churn rate does not use the total subscribers at the end or the subscribers acquired. p.45 the churn rate is based only on churn in relation to the subscribers at the start. If the churn were instead divided by the area of the end subscriber pool, it would be incoherent because that would mix parts of two pools and confuse the contributions of acquisition and retention wi.. 2021. 10. 10. Ch1 맨 처음 페이지 Churn-reducing strategy Core concepts/customer metrics Book chapters 1. Product improvement - Make more of the best features. - Makes the best features easy to find - Cohorts of metrics based on product use events identify engaging and disengaging product features. - Identify optimal feature-use ratios. 3, 5, and 7 2. Engagement marketing - Promote the best features. - Targeted product .. 2021. 9. 27. Ch4 p.90 Compromise is often a lazy, ineffective way to negotiate. At the very end, after other tool is used and there is only a short distance to bridge, it might be okay. But standards are much more effective. p.94 Negotiation is very sensitive to the exact words used. p.97 It is much more persuasive to let others make the decision, instead of telling them what the decision should be. p.98 Framing.. 2021. 9. 20. ch1 p.3 Why Predictive Models Fail There are a number of common reasons why predictive models fail, and we address each of these in subsequent chapters. The common culprits include (1) inadequate pre-processing of the data, (2) inadequate model validation, (3) unjustified extrapolation (e.g., application of the model to data that reside in a space which the model has never seen), or, most importantl.. 2021. 9. 4. 오픽 오리엔테이션 1. 채점 조건 1) 문장 구조 난이도 (Text Type) 2) 주제 연관도 표현 (Context & Content) 3) 질문에 대한 정확한 답변 (Task & Function) 4) 강세와 억양 (Stress & Intonation) 2. 시험구성 1) 문제구성 - 시험 시간 : 40분 (문제 당 시간 제한 없음) - 주제 : 5세트 (15문항) - Background Survey(사전설문) -> 유리한 주제 선택/주제 개수 줄이기 2) 총괄적 평가 방식 (Holistic Scoring) - 문제당 개별 배점 없음 - 주력 주제 vs 비주력 주제 답변 길이 조절 - 한 가지 소재의 답변 여러 주제 활용 가능 - 반드시 본인에게 실제 있었던 이야기로 답변 필요 3) 시험 응시 제한 규정 - 재 응시 .. 2021. 7. 30. 당연히 형용사가 명사 앞에 온다고 암기하면 큰일나는 이유 #분사구문 #형용사 #명사 #어순 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuXGWQnLZC4&list=PLJfCeI6U-A4tWrmYZUOWZaUavsyzRwqTO&index=3 1. 명 + 형 vs 형 + 명 1) with your mouse open vs with your open mouse - open mouse 하면 원래 상태가 애초에 열린 입 - mouse open 하면 잠시동안(조건부)로 여는 것 2) mission impossible - 임무 + 불가능한 vs impossible mission - 한마디로 무조건 실패 - mission impossible - 애초부터 불가능한 미션은 아님. 조건부 불가능 3) pretty woman vs woman pretty - woman pretty는 조건부 미인. (.. 2021. 7. 27. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ··· 22 다음