1. 도덕심리학의 세 가지 원칙
a. Intuition comes first, strategic reasoning second
b. There's more to morality than arm and fairness
c. Morality binds and blinds
2. Motivated Reasoning
If we WANT to believe X, we ask: "Can I believe It?"
If we DON'T want to, we ask: "Must I believe it?"
Gilovich (1991)
3. Implications for Civility
a. We gullibly accept claims that support our partisan prejudices, and use all our powers to reject disconfirming information.
b. Liberals build moral matrix mostly on care and fairness (as equality); see conservatives as cruel, callous ennablers of corporate exploitation.
c. Conservatives build moral matrix on all 6 foundations; see liberals as naive people willing to trample on fairness (proportionality), economic liberty, authority, and sancity
a. 왜 사람들은 스포츠를 하거나 구경하는 데 많은 시간을 소비하는 걸까요? 그런 활동이 오랫동안 전쟁을 통해 형성된 집단 심리를 자극하기 때문입니다.
b. 사람들은 뭔가의 주위를 도는 것을 좋아하는데 그렇게 뭔가의 주위를 돌 때는 하나가 됩니다.
5. Change Your Political System
a. Most Critical : :Promote emergence of more moderate party leaders.
b. Bold reform to electoral system, including ranked choice voting and more transparent and democratic candidate selection process
c. President and ruling party should make efforts to improve dialogue and communications with opposition party
6. Change your education system
a. National recognition that this is a national emergency, Appeal to Korean pride, honor, shame, and competitiveness
b. Include moreal and political psychology in school curriculum. Educate for cross-partisan respect. Give next generation the tools to govern themselves.
7. Change yourself : Be the change you seek
a. Be more humble, less certain your side is right.
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