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Python Project - Optimize Marketing Campaigns | Regression and Correlation Analysis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHxOtLtZqWU 2022. 9. 11.
개쉬운 그래프 뉴럴 네트워크 Graph Neural Network https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eMbvfRM9_8 1. Graph Neural Network a. Node Focused Task - Node Classification - Link Prediction - Feature Prediction b. Graph Focused Task 2. 선행조건 a. Graph구조는 Matrix 형태로 다시 바꿔줘야 함. b. Adjacency Matrix : c. Feature Matrix 2022. 9. 7.
파이썬 코딩 무료 강의 (활용편7) - 머신러닝, 영화 추천 시스템 만들기 https://youtu.be/TNcfJHajqJY?t=15382 1. TMDB https://www.kaggle.com/code/ibtesama/getting-started-with-a-movie-recommendation-system Getting Started with a Movie Recommendation System Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from multiple data sources www.kaggle.com 2022. 8. 16.
15Min ML API https://youtu.be/C82lT9cWQiA 2022. 8. 13.
Machine Learning Model Deployment with Python (Streamlit + MLflow) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhgRFBWa6bk 오 MLOps 재밌겠네 2022. 8. 12.
MLOps Tutorial#1. Continuous Integration (CI/CD) for ML Pipelines with Github Actions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9I8X-3HIErc CML이라는 게 있구먼 https://github.com/iterative/cml GitHub - iterative/cml: ♾️ CML - Continuous Machine Learning | CI/CD for ML ♾️ CML - Continuous Machine Learning | CI/CD for ML - GitHub - iterative/cml: ♾️ CML - Continuous Machine Learning | CI/CD for ML github.com 2022. 8. 5.